4 comments on “Review: Eden of the East TV, Eden of the East: King of Eden & Eden of the East: Paradise Lost

  1. At the very end of the film you see the numbers light up again. Could this possibly be a hint of a future WIP?

    • I think it would have been possible if the identity of the mastermind hasn’t been revealed. If there will be anew season, then it is highly likely be for an entirely new participants.

  2. You may be the very first person I know (on the internet) that actually reviewed the entire Eden of the East saga and enjoyed all of it. Almost everybody starts whining on “The movies feel different, different pace, different type of story, I didn’t expect this at all!” and make me feel like I can expect really average movies that exist only for the sake of closure.

    Anyways, reading someone who didn’t require a clone of the TV series, I feel a little more hope for the series and look forward to when I watch the saga soon. ^_^ Thanks for the review.

    Also, looking forward to your opinion of Gintama… finished all 201 eps recently myself, hope you’ll laugh (and cry– well I almost did a few times) as much as I did too.

  3. I have yet to see this series and movie, so thanks for your thoughts and commentary regarding this series. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks and keep up the good work!

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