
All posts by ranpha

This is a short review of a short anime series titled Piano, that has some bizzare moments in it.

A teenage middle schooler with a bizzare hairstyle is in a middle-age crisis when her piano recital tournament approached, as she has to deal with her bizarre lovestruck best friend (imagine Kagura in Azumanga Daioh falling in love), her families (not so bizarre), her bizarre piano teacher and her crush on a senior in the school track team. 10 episodes is more than enough to end the storyline.

The story is not that bad actually, and not really tedious unlike what I expected when I started to watch the series. This maybe because the main protagonist reminds me of Ayumu “Osaka” Kasuga in Azumanga Daioh, minus the humour. The way she makes the ‘blank look’ faces almost all the time when she is in her dilemma just like Osaka also helps quite a bit.

And that haircut…… will be etched into my mind FOREVER!

Character design:-
In this section, I will again want to comment about the haircut of the main protagonist. It was so bizarre that in fact it is somewhat hard for me to focus on the anime without taking a hard look at her hair. That kind of hair definitely does not belong outside fantasy anime series such as Ah! My Goddess. For real life anime titles with no magic, no alternate dimensions or no devil to stop from taking over the world, that kind of hairstyle is indeed bizarre.

Apart from that the general character design of all characters are decent. Some still has big eyes though, like the protagonist.

Voice acting:-
Not exactly outstanding. With limited episodes, only the protagonist and her best friend has most of the dialogues, and they are not bad. And not really good either.

Ermmmm…. let just say that they suck overall. Only the piano recitals are good.

The animation is decent, and nothing to complain about. Meanwhile, the direction can be very good at times, or it just suck big time. At the first episode for example, the main protagonist and her father takes a taxi from the train station because it is raining. As they arrived, both of them runs toward the door of their house WITHOUT CLOSING THE TAXI DOOR BEHIND. Let just say that I was totally shocked when I first see this f**k-up in directing, and started to take notes about this because I want to complain strongly in this section. But later in the series, when the main protagonist tells her best friend that she will go ahead and participates in the recital, the director managed to portray the reaction of her best friend in such a great manner that it really impressed me greatly. This anime has quite some of this highs and lows of directing scattered all over the series.

6 out of 10. Still a decent score don’t you think?

It was just 3 days ago that I last wrote my last review. Now, a review of a 45-episode anime is here in such a short time. Why is that you wonder? Well go on and read this review of The Twelve Kingdoms.

The storyline of this anime is brilliant, yet frustrating. A red-head high school girl was spirited away to a square-shaped continent that has 12 countries in it by some weird long-haired man. Then she was hunted down by mysterious creatures who wants her dead. Eventually she finds out that she is the new ruler of one of the countries, and went on to depose the fake ruler of her country and become one herself.

The synopsis above doesn’t really do the series justice, as it just covers the first arc of the anime (shame on you ANN). But what’s will bewilder me will come next in the second arc about the Kirin of another country, which if NHK doesn’t make a second season fast, will be anointed as the most wasteful anime story arc in history. In fact, you can watch episode 15-22 and will not miss anything!

The third arc makes more sense, but the fourth one, which forms the last 5 episodes of the series is just the same as the second arc. It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, unless NHK makes a second season that can bring the closure to that silly arc of course. In other words, while the series is 45 episodes long, it ends actually at episode 39. And if you discount the episodes that make up the second arc, it will be even less than that.

The first and third story arcs are brilliant, but the second and the last story arc are frustrating. This anime has the words “SECOND SEASON” written all over it, and it really needs one because, for example,  the second story arc ends with plenty of questions unanswered. And it has all the hallmarks of a great story, but in its current state it just sucks.

I finished watching this one in 3 days because it was very good. In fact I have a marathon session yesterday where I watched nearly 30 episodes in one go. That’s how good this anime can be.

I found an online petition of the fans of this anime here. Everyone should sign it. This anime really needs a new season. Definitely better than Naruto which spend about a year in filler mode. I want to know what happens to that Kirin from Tai Country who are stuck in Japan. And I want to know more about the other countries. In fact, the main protagonist only travels to 3 of them, and some of the others are shrouded in mystery.

Character design:-
Well, from the 2 screenshots provided, not really outstanding. Here we don’t have the normal big eyes and big breasts, which is a good thing. I like the monsters character designs though, especially the Shirei monsters and also Rakushuun.

Voice acting:-
Another strong point of the anime, voice acting for most of the main characters are great. You really can’t complain about this one, as there are many talented voice actors/actresses bringing the maze of characters here to live.

Not as good as the voice acting and the story though. The OP and ED themes are not impressive. Meanwhile the OST is almost non-existent, as most of the story flows without being accompanied by music. Or I don’t heard it, which I doubt because I have a pair of good speakers and they are tuned up. Well, with such a good story, it can get away without any music.

It was the reverse of the case with Pretear. The directing is great but the animation in plenty of parts in the anime is somewhat lacking. And I watched a DVD rip here.

From all the texts I typed above, I decided to give this anime 8 out of 10.  A perfect score is not out of reach *wink*wink*nudge*nudge* NHK.

Anyone expecting more screenshots like EDEN’s Bowy in this review of Pretear will be disappointed, as there will be only 2!! Muahahahaha.

A shoujo anime with magic in the mould of Sailormoon, a girl in an immensely rich family suddenly finds out that she has to become a Pretear to save the world from someone called Princess of Disaster. Unlike Sailormoon though, she is surrounded instead by handsome men and pretty boys who served as her knights and also her trainers as she learns to use her powers before the final battle with Princess. That’s child soldiers for you. Basically you won’t really find anything new in this title.

Unoriginal story, predictable plots, unexplained and unexpected power-ups and a cliche happy ending and no one dies. Not exactly my cup of tea.

Character design:-
Average and not really outstanding.

Voice acting:-
Average and not really outstanding. For everyone.

Average and not really outstanding. Applies to OP/ED themes and OST.

Animation is great in quality. But direction is average and not really outstanding. I want to complain about the overused shaking eyes thingy (the one used in dramatic scenes) but then again I realized that this is just your typical shoujo anime.

At the end of probably the shortest review here is the award of the 5 out of 10 rating for this anime.