anime review – reposted

All reviews written when the blog is still at Windows Live Spaces. Usually shorter and inferior in quality. Not used anymore.

Magic schools in this anime is no different than concentration camps. Oh and BTW, I’m lazy to take more screenshots, so you have to settle with this one.

Rental Magica should have been included in the wave of 2007 anime reviews that ends earlier this month, but I didn’t do it. Anyway, I managed to watch it anyway thus here is the review for it. This is a 2007 anime, thus it will compete with Nodame Cantabile for the Anime of The Year 2007 award.

Our protagonist Itsuki Iba was forced to become the president of a magician rental company because of his father’s disappearance. He then has to deal with customers demands and fending off rival companies as he struggled to control his bumbling and diverse employees.

In essence, this anime is quite similar structurally with Zero no Tsukaima, but maybe a little bit better. This anime started slowly, with its chronologically confusing character’s introductions episodes before dipping into the admittedly average storyline. The story developed nicely, albeit in a pace slower than I would have liked, and the lack of substance in the story after the characters introduction episodes is really apparent.

The ending seems to be tacked in without a seamless integration with the preceding storyline, considering that the main antagonist for the ending only make his appearance in the last 3 episodes or so. I wonder whether the ending is set up that way so that a second season can be accommodated, but personally I think an ending that is more jointed to the storyline would have been better for the purpose of a second season. If my sister is stupid enough to download the second season, I may watch it.

Character developments are done very well despite the slow pacing for much of the middle portions of the anime, but there is no one that really stands out from the rest. With this anime being just another Zero no Tsukaima harem version, there should be nothing you can expect in this aspect.

Character Design:-
Your bog-standard shounen story character design applies here, which means that the character design is just average. The main male protagonist has black hair though, and that will always be good for Japan.

Voice acting:-
Just like the character design, the voice acting in this anime is also just about average, and no one stands out in either. Mamoru Miyano who voiced the antagonist in the ending arc has a better outing here compared to his gig in Gundam 00, but still not as good as the ones in el cazador de la bruja and Dragonaut – the resonance. It probably has to do with the low airtime which limits his development.

This anime completely fails in this aspect. Enough said.

The animation in this anime is generally good, on par with other 2007 anime titles. The quality of the animation also do not suffer in most of the fast-paced scenes, but some battles that has extremely fast-paced animations like the one in episode 19 or 20 suffered from jerky framerates. The choreography is ordinary at best, and the same can also be said of the directing.

6 out of 10.
The same as Zero no Tsukaima, and Nodame Cantabile’s throne is just a pipe dream.

Man, that blushing nearly makes me puke.

The lull from my wave of 2007 (and one 2008) anime reviews is over, partly because I’m back from outstation, and today’s review is a TV-Nihon special Onmyou Taisenki which I admit is better than I thought. Read on for more.

One of those crazy attack names you will see a lot in this anime.

A random and insignificant kid finds out that he has the ability to control ‘shikigami’ as he is running away from another person who can also do the same. Luckily, he managed to defeat his pursuer, and he have to save the world from destruction (hmmm where did I heard this before) while taking his school’s boat club to the national championship.

The story is typical of the genre, just like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is, but without the latter’s extra polish. Anyway, it is pretty decent and actually the anime’ story started very well for the first two-third of the 52-episode run. Unfortunately, and typical of the titles of this genre, this anime started its slow descent towards mediocrity as the series marched on (but hey, the story lasted longer than usual). As you can guess, the ending is filled with clichés in the form of speeches that makes me cringe. Sometimes I just hoped that the antagonists will just take some lessons from the Peter’s Evil Overlord List, defeat the heroes and destroy the world. More often than not, in this kind of anime, more usually than not it will be the antagonist’s fault that their destructive plans failed and not because of the competence of the protagonists.

More positives for this anime are the steady flow of the (not exactly spectacular) storyline, aided by great pacing employed by the director. He/she surely know how to make me opens the next episodes as quickly as I can so that I can find out what will happen after the cliffhanger in the last episode. Another feature that I liked about this anime is the battle system that involves plenty of elaborate attacking techniques (and the sometime crazy names that comes with them) invoked by hand gestures, which I think is much superior to the ones you see in YuGi Oh or Pocket Monsters. Plus, fan-service in the form of the shikigami summoning procedures has been shortened dramatically as the show goes on.

Character development is also done well, at least for the main characters, but with no one standing out from the rest. There are some that is left behind though, like the main protagonist club mates. As a result, some potential story arcs like the potential romance story between the main protagonist and his childhood friend are left unexplored. Which is a shame in this 52-episode series.

Numbed by the constant monster attacks, our side characters only watched nonchalantly at the latest monster invasion.

Character Design:-
Character design in this anime is pretty good considering the genre and the potential target audience. Brown is the new black in this series, and I should overlook this too for the same reason.

Voice acting:-
A positive point of this anime, voice acting in this series is excellent. The voice actress for the main protagonist’s shikigami can replace Naruto’s voice actress if she got sick or something; that how similar they can be. That Naruto-esque shikigami is our outstanding character in this aspect.

And one of them even takes her own sweet time calling all of them to her.

Good OST, but for the themes, only the 2nd OP and the last ED themes are of any good.

Another positive point of this anime, the animation in this anime is excellent, and more importantly, it did not suffer in the huge amount of fast-paced scenes this anime has. Many of the techniques/hand gestures here also have good arts and special effects applied in their animations. Choreography is also top-notch, and one of the reasons why I like this anime so much. The directing is excellent, for the many reasons mentioned in the story section.

9 out of 10. Very well done, but no Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Medieval Japan already has LED screen and electronic devices back then 1200 years ago.

The best character in this series, the ten-year old Mochida Hinako and the main male protagonist.

The final review in this wave of supposedly 2007 anime reviews (I really need to check the date for all anime that I will review next time) is the promised Myself, Yourself. Similar to kimikiss pure rouge but inferior, this anime will be judged with the higher standard all romance anime title is subjected to in this blog. This anime will not win the Anime of The Year 2007 title for sure. Getting this anime out of the way is my main priority here so that I can look at the future within more positive outlook.

The main male protagonist realized that the best character in this series is infinitely better than the moody and emo main female protagonist, thus he jumped on her to do his evil deed.

Five childhood friends were reunited after 5 years when one of them returned from another city. Each of them has to deal with their own separate romantic stories, which will eventually merge themselves into the whole main story.

This recycled synopsis of mine lifted straight from the kimikiss pure rouge review is indicative of how similar their story can be, and also how two similar stories can has the difference that can be likened to between heavens and earth also exist.

Now let me answer the question why I dodged reviewing this anime for months. The reason for that is this anime has 5 things going against it; first being how crap the story is, second being how predictable the story is in addition of being crap, third being how the story being laden with clichés in addition of being crap and predictable, fourth being how corny the storyline is in addition of being crap, predictable and cliché-laden and the fifth one will be how this anime has one of the most annoying characters (that emo wrist-slitting main female protagonist) I have ever seen since la corda d’oro primo passo.

The third and fifth reasons are the initial main causes why I paused watching this anime right after one episode, and the others surfaced during watching the rest during the past 2 days. The first four reasons explain how nauseating this anime’s story is, a far cry compared to what I have seen in kimikiss pure rouge. But still, this anime is better than the substance-less Hayate no Gotoku anytime.

Character developments are unevenly done. Some characters received more of it than others (example: main male protagonist), and there are a few who are left behind with their characters prematurely aborted (example: the megane girl with big breasts). Blame it on the large numbers of cast in a series with low episode count. Contrary to what you may think, the annoying main female protagonist is decent despite being… well, annoying. The best character in this series is the love-struck elementary school kid which actually is a bad thing for this series. Consider this, if this anime’s filler episodes (there are a couple of them here – which she has a prominent role in) is vastly better than the main story, how does that reflect on the quality on this anime as a whole?

The ending is also one of the lamest I have seen in quite some time (more often than not, a time-jump plot device will ruin everything). It made worse when coupled with the second reason outlined above. Still, this anime has an ending that you can identify. Can you say that about Hayate no Gotoku?

The moment after the main protagonist satisfied his lust, pondering how to hide his crime.

Character Design:-
Actually a positive point of this anime, the character design in this anime was done very well. The two main characters actually have black hair, which can only be good, exemplary even. Hoping more anime will follow the examples Myself, Yourself has set.

Voice Acting:-
The voice acting in this anime is good, but no outstanding character(s) can be found here.

The OP theme is good, but not the OST or the ED theme.

She doesn’t seem to be fazed by that horrendous incident, taking everything in her stride.

The animation in this 2007 anime is typical of others that have been reviewed before, and better than the previous anime reviewed which is H2O Footprints In The Sand. It is good enough in fast scenes, but no comment about choreography in this type of anime that did not need it. The directing is good, at least in technical aspects like camera and scene control but not the aspects of the storyline.

Note to self: If a release is labeled BakaWolf or m.3.3.w., I might as well get the regular non-upscaled version and do the upscaling myself. Still, this is slightly better than H2O Footprints In The Sand though.

A cat is waiting for…

4 out of 10.
 One of the worst anime reviewed here yet, down there with Hani Hani: Operation Sanctuary (but still lightly better than Hayate no Gotoku). I’m glad that I’m able to get this out of the way. I do not know what to watch next and when, so just wait breathlessly for the next one. From all the anime I watched in this wave of 2007 anime reviews, Kaiji is definitely the best and Hayate no Gotoku really disappoints me. Hayate no Gotoku is one year wasted in high hopes of watching a good shounen anime.

…his dinner to be served.